*STEP I- Contact me for a FREE conversation, so that together we can set you up for successfully keeping your writing as close to you as your next breath.

*STEP II- Take refuge into your writing space and if you don’t have a dedicated place where you write here are a few suggestions that writers I know take advantage of:

The backseat of your car parked in the driveway, garage, right out front or in your designated space in your apartment complex

A closet with a light

A bathroom

Any place you happen to be waiting for any reason

A coffee/tea establishment

Any table that you can sit at comfortably

*STEP III- JUST WRITE! Write anything even if it’s just a “Shit To Do Today” list because that’s exactly what I do every single day I write SOMETHING all writers Write!

*STEPIV- If you already have a dedicated time in which you write that’s awesome! If you don’t- it is essential that you investigate in which times of the day or night where you feel alive with your writing- you actually don’t need that much time either to write fifteen minutes is quite fine all writers FIND the time.

*STEP V- During the madness of everyday it becomes extremely easy to lose your writing- in order not to have it slip away from you contact me- and I will remind you to get to a quiet space and for fifteen minutes be one with your writing; feel yourself breathe, feel yourself write, if you need to set a timer- go right ahead but just write for fifteen minutes!

Valerie J Runyan- Writing Life Coach theinkdropspace.com